
S.No Name of Faculty Dept. Title of paper Journal Details
1 Dr. P. Suresh Babu & Ms. V. Sailaja MBA CRM in Banking sector – Study on SBI and ICICI International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management; Vol. 3 (2012) 91.
2 Dr. P. Suresh Babu MBA Customer relationship management in Insurance sector – A study on LIC and Max New York Life Insurance ITIHAS The Journal of Indian Management July 2012, p.13
3 Dr. M. Sainath ECE Level structures in 156Pm from  156Nd β- decay European J. Phys. A48: 136 (2012)
4 M. Nagaraju Naik
& P. Rajesh Kumar
ECE Spectral approach to Image Projection with Cubic B-spline Interpolation International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology Vol. 3(3); October- December (2012)
5 P. Ramesh CSE A Modular and Extendable Approach to Database Encryption at
Multi-granularity Level
Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 3(6) (2012) 769.
6 Dr. P. Suresh Babu & Ms. Syeda Amina Begum MBA Application of Deming's 14
Principles of Total Quality Management in Management Education
Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Dynamics in the Global Village – CDGV 2013; page 126 (2013)
7 Dr. G. Manchala, Ms. Syeda Amina Begum & Mohammed Zubair Yezdani MBA Talent Management – Hit it or Miss it!!! Management Issues and Challenges for the Decade; ed. P. Srinivasa Reddy; Paramount Publishing house (2012) 381-392.
8 Dr. M. Sainath ECE Multiple anti-magnetic rotation bands in odd-A 107Cd Physical Review C 87, 034304 (2013).
9 Mr. G. Krishna and Ms. Syeda Amina Begum MBA A study on Foreign Direct Investments in India – Issues and Challenges Foreign Direct Investment in India – Issues and Challenges; Paramount Publishing House (2013) p.44.
10 Sathish Bakanagari
& A.MaheshKumar
EEE Published paper on “Power Control by UPFC with three level neutral point clamped converter” IJERA, ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol.3, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013, pp.507-510.
11 Sathish Bakanagari
& A.MaheshKumar
EEE Published paper on “Power Versatile control scheme for  a Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Power-Quality Implement”

IJERA, ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol.3, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013, pp.611-614.

12 A.MaheshKumar EEE Published paper on “Design of fast switching IGBT Gate drive for high rated modules”

AIJRSTEM 13-148, 2013, ISSN: 2328-3580.

13 Dr. P. Suresh Babu, HOD &
V. Ahlada Rao, Practising Company Secretary


Department Of Management Studies Disclosure of Intangible Assets in Financial Statements – Progress towards sustainability @ National Seminar on 24/10/2013 & 25/10/2013 @ CBIT, Hyderabad.
14 Dr. P. Suresh Babu, HOD &
K. Pandu Ranga Reddy,  Asst. Prof
MBA Department Of Management Studies Utilizing Forensic Accounting and Analysis in Litigation @ National Seminar on 19/12/2013 @ St. Joseph degree & PG College, Hyderabad
15 Mrs.Chaganti B N Lakshmi  --- Wireless Sensor Networks – A survey on Flat & Hierarchical Routing Protocols Journal of Innovation in Computer Science and Engineering,Vol(2)(2), PP.23-27., 2013
16 Mrs.Chaganti B N Lakshmi  --- A survey on Effificient Routing Techniques for improving Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime In proceedings of National conference on “Emerging trends in Science,Technology & Management(NCETSTM2K14)”
17 Mrs.Chaganti B N Lakshmi  --- An idea based on Swarm Intelligence for Wireless Sensor Network communication In proceedings of National conference on “ Research Recent Advancements in Information Technology”, (NCRRAIT2014)
18 Mrs.Chaganti B N Lakshmi  --- A localization algorithm in Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks In proceedings of National conference on “ Research Recent Advancements in Information Technology”, (NCRRAIT2014)
19 Mrs.Chaganti B N Lakshmi  --- Enhancing Network lifetime using efficient carrier sensing scheme-CSMA/SDF In proceedings of National conference on “ Research Recent Advancements in Information Technology”, (NCRRAIT2014)
S.No Name of Faculty Dept. Title of paper Seminar/Workshop details
1 Dr. M. Sainath ECE Novel band structure of odd-A 107Cd DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics, University of Delhi. (December 3rd-7th 2012)
2 Ms. Syeda Amina
Begum & Mr. G.
MBA Mobile Banking
at State Bank of
6th National Conference on “Leveraging India’s Competitiveness in a Globalised Economy.” Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management, Hyderabad; (December 13th -15th 2012)
3 Ms. B. Sudha Bindu, Ms. P. Sushma Rani, Mr. G. Phanindar Goud Mechanical Engineering Underwater Wet welding made simple: Benefits of wet spot welding process International Conference on advances in Computer Science and Engineering; Lords Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad; January 7th – 8th 2013.
4 Mr. J. Malla Reddy MCA A comprehensive Survey of Digital Rights Management for Content Distribution National Conference on Recent Advances in Digital Information Communication Technology – RADICT 2012; Lingaya’s University, Faridabad; November 9th – 10th 2012.
5 Syeda Amina Begum MBA Wow! To the Kudos of Corporate Women National Seminar on Changing Scenario of Human Resources in India; Acharya Nagarjuna University; October 18th – 19th 2012.
6 Dr. V. Gunasekhar Reddy, Dr. B.M. Reddy & Dr. B. Visvesvara Rao ECE Mobile Communication networks for Government organisations Pearl Jubilee International Conference on Navigation and Communications (NAVCOM-2012), Hyderabad; December 20th – 21st 2012.
7 Dr. V. Gunasekhar Reddy, Dr. B.M. Reddy & Dr. B. Visvesvara Rao ECE Digital Communication Network – TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) with GPS and GIS applications for secure communications  Pearl Jubilee International Conference on Navigation and Communications (NAVCOM-2012), Hyderabad; December 20th – 21st 2012.
8 Dr. P. Prashanth Kumar H&S Analysis and Application of Mathematics National Conference on Analysis and Application of Mathematics (NCAAM – 2013); Reva Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore; February 22nd – 23rd 2013.
9 Ms. P.V. Vinitha H&S Indian Diaspora writing theme of Identity crisis in the works of Jhumpa Lahiri International Conference on New dimensions in Contemporary Commonwealth Literature; Jointly organized by Department of English, Telangana University and ISCS, New Delhi; Nizamabad. April 3rd – 4th, 2013.
10 Ms. Syeda Amina Begum MBA Clients Interface in Commodities Market – A study on Karvy Comtrade Ltd. National Conference on Innovations in Services Quality Management (NCSQM – 13); Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad; Jan 31st – Feb 1st, 2013.
Mr. TR Srinivas, Associate Professor in CSE Department has participated in one day "CYBER SPACE DEFENCE SUMMIT CSDS-2016" conducted at DRDO Kanchanbagh organised by CSI Hyderabad on 29 March 2016.

Mrs. Chaganti B N Lakshmi, Associate processor and Head of the Department Information Technology, MIST, attended a six-day workshop on “Network Programming and Simulators”. This workshop was held at G.Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science(for women), Hyderabad from 5th july to 10th july, 2010.

Mrs. Chaganti B N Lakshmi ,Associate processor and Head of the Department Information Technology, MIST, attended a two-day workshop on “Simulation of Wireless Networks” held at JNTUH college of Engineering ,Hyderabad during 15th & 16th april,2 013.

Mrs. Chaganti B N Lakshmi ,Associate processor and Head of the Department Information Technology, MIST, attended a two-day workshop on “Simulation of Wireless Networks” held at JNTUH college of Engineering ,Hyderabad during 15th & 16th april, 2013 under TEQIP.

Mrs. Chaganti B N Lakshmi ,Associate processor and Head of the Department Information Technology, MIST, attended a two-day workshop on “Simulation of Wireless Networks using NS2” held at JNTUH college of Engineering , kukatpally, Hyderabad during july 4-5 2014.
Ms. B. Sudha Bindu, Assistant Professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering, attended and presented a paper titled 'Underwater wet welding made simple: Benefits of wet spot welding process' at the International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering. The conference was held at Lords Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, on January 7th and 8th, 2013.
Dr. B. Visvesvara Rao, Professor and HOD, department of ECE, authored a book titled Electronic Circuit Analysis. The book was published by Pearson Education, New Delhi. The book caters to the needs of students of Electronic circuit theory in their B.Tech courses of Indian Universities.
Dr. B. Visvesvara Rao, Professor and HOD, department of ECE, authored a book titled Electronic Circuit Analysis. The book was published by Pearson Education, New Delhi. The book is written specific to the syllabus structured for JNTU- Kakinada.
Dr. B. Visvesvara Rao, Professor and HOD, department of ECE, authored a book titled Electronic Circuits - II. The book was published by Pearson Education, New Delhi. The book is written specific to the syllabus structured for Anna University.
Mr. C. Sridhar, Associate Professor in the department of ECE, authored a book titled Circuit Process Mechanism. The book was published by I.K. Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Mr. C. Sridhar, Associate Professor in the department of ECE, participated in the Design Engineering Workshop (DEW) program of UMIC, IIT-Bombay from December 26 th to December 30th, 2012. During the workshop, Mr. Sridhar solved problems touching different aspects by first defining the need and then problem formulating and indentifying critical parameters. After exploring various alternative solutions in brainstorming sessions, he then presented solutions with scientific reasoning and logic. Mr. Sridhar was also appreciated by the organizers of the workshop for being very helpful to the student participants by assisting them in designing their electronic circuits.
Dr. R. V. Amarnath, Professor in the department of EEE, participated in a national workshop titled Alternative Energies – A thrust on Solar thermal and Photo Voltaic. The workshop was conducted by the department of Mechanical Engineering, K.L. University, Vijayawada, on December 28th, 2012.
Mr. J. Sambasivarao, Professor and HOD, department of CSE, attended a one day conference titled SpringOne 2012. The conference was conducted by SpringSource and held at Hotel Novotel, Hyderabad, on December 13th, 2012.
Mr. P. Ramesh, in-charge Principal Polytechnic, MIST, and Associate Professor in the department of CSE and Mr. B. Seva Naik, Associate Professor in the department of CSE, attended a two-day TEQIP-II workshop titled Research Aspects in Information Security. This workshop was held at JNTUHCE, Hyderabad on December 6th and 7th, 2012.